He was home for 11 days but his parents said he wasn't eating well, so they brought him back to the clinic. He seemed very confused/sad/sleepy upon his arrival. He cried during his bath, then lay in his crib without even touching the toys. Eventually he picked up one toy, and Jane got him to stand for a minute. Then I picked him up and he sat in my lap practically melting into my body for about 40 minutes. He wasn't even up to hair pulling, but occasionally would reach up and stroke my hair. Other than that he just sat in my lap staring at the floor until bottle time. He was VERY excited to get his bottle, and even ate it in my lap. Then we put him down for his nap and the aides came to visit him for a while. We went over for an hour in the afternoon and he slept the whole time other than when they woke him for his diaper change (after which he went back to sleep). We are hoping he is just tired and sad from traveling back to the clinic and that he will perk up over the weekend! Hopefully he won't have to stay in isolation the full three weeks, because he is going to get very bored!
Thanks for all the pictures and updates. Please kiss all the babies and say "Hello" to the aides and nurses, and Dan and Mihaela, from me.
Mary Beth
Oh my goodness. I am so worried about Sammy. I would think the transition would be very difficult for a child with Down's Syndrome. Wonder what was going on at home. I worry about these kids who are at the clinic for so long, that they become too used to an institution and then it is hard to transition them into a family. Please give him lots of hugs for me.
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