I have had lots of emails from people wanting to help Raul over the past few days, which I greatly appreciate! Below I will list some things that we have found necessary when caring for him. All of the items can be purchased here, so if you want to give donations for me to buy the items, that would be great too! This is not a hospital or GV official list, just a list of things that I have found necessary over the last few days:
*Soft rolled gauze, Squares of gauze, Vaseline saturated gauze
*Antibiotic ointment
*Adult sized surgical gloves and masks
*Antibacterial soap for hand washing
*Soft, loose, shirts that tie in the front or back (preferably without seams and loose around wrists) and soft loose pants (he is currently 5 months old)
*Soft crib sheets
*Pampers and Sensitive skin wipes
*Soft toys that would be age appropriate
*Mobile for his crib
*Radio/CD player for his room
*Iron to steam his clothes
How do we get these items to you?
I can either give you a shipping address, or you can send a monetary donation to me to spend on items I can get here!
I did get your address.... what would you prefer? I do have supplies I can send, if you will use them. What else can i do? I feel so helpless and I just want to get Raul the help and care he needs. Is he up for adoption? or does he have a family?
Let me know how I can help!!!
Either way is fine. Romania no longer does international adoption, and barely does domestic adoption, so no, he is unfortunately not up for adoption. I am working on finding out if his parents have custody or if CPS does...
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