Yesterday was my second birthday in a row that I have celebrated here in Romania. Different, of course, from Tutova, but we had a nice day. After lunch we celebrated and had cake with the aides/nurses on the third floor, then took the rest of the cake to the first floor for the staff there. They all enjoyed the treat, and were wishing me a happy birthday from the first time I saw them in the morning. Unfortunately I have a cold, so I skipped going out to dinner with part of the team and a few local friends, but did get to spend the full day at the hospital.
The only big news I can remember from yesterday is that the tiny twins, Gabriela and Ana Maria, went into foster care. Their birth sister, a teenager, came and helped bathe them and dress them in cute matching outfits from their family. The girls will be placed in separate foster homes, but the plan is for them to go back to their birth family after one year. After they left, Adrian (who we call Harry) and Denisa moved in with Delia.
Adrian's last name is one that sounds very British, so we thought the name Harry was more fitting for him (not to mention his exceptionally hairy head!). Today we were introduced to another new little baby, Ionut, who is about one week old. He has been there a couple days already, but we weren't sure if he had someone with him or not, so we hadn't visited him. Now we know he is alone, but he is not allowed in with our other babies as he may have some sort of pink eye or something (they are running tests, though his eyes look normal to us).
This morning Cristi's parents came to visit, and stayed for multiple hours, including a visit to a doctor at another hospital. They say they are building a room for Cristi at their home, but we will see what happens! They seemed nice, and Cristi was happy playing with them. Supposedly CPS is evaluating their situation, as well as Paula's family, to see if they can go home. Paula also went to visit the other doctor, we think an endocrinologist, and two aides went with her.
Ana Maria will continue to stay at the hospital for now as she is quite sick (on IV antibiotics), and is apparently in need of heart surgery. She did enjoy watching part of the wedding today though! Ana and Nicoletta are cousins we found out, and both have heart problems. We heard today that Nicoletta is actually having heart surgery in Cluj, despite other rumors we had heard. No word on Cleo or if she has had surgery yet.
Raul's parents also visited today to visit with us and ask any questions they might have about Raul and his medical visa. They both had some really good questions, mostly about his medical and developmental situation, and seemed to truly care about him. Both got teary when they could see he was in pain after his bottle, and when he got upset when they held him. The dad very sadly asked if he would ever get to know them, and if he would ever be any better off. He was happy, though, to hear that there are many kids with EB around the world living productive lives. Sadly I don't think anyone had ever even tried to explain the condition to them before. They were happy to hear about how smart he is, and said all their children are quite smart. The dad laughed watching how well he manipulates his toys, and thought it was funny how he kicks his mobile to tilt it.
We have heard we may be having our hospital rooms moved by Monday to one of the ends of the hall, and that there may be some other changes. This could include the return of all, or some, of our CPS kids, but only time will tell...