Today was our first full day at the Children's Hospital. We arrived around ten and had a lengthy meeting with the manager and the head doctor and nurse of the third floor where our kids are. They were very welcoming, as were all the other staff on the floor. We then headed up to the third floor, and the nurse first took us to see a surprise guest: the old big Andreea from the clinic! Then we went to work with our kids, and a few older boys under CPS care, who joined us on and off to play. The kids were happy as usual, and were very happy to have their favorite toys back!
We were happily surprised when we arrived to find that Cristi was already up pracicing walking with an aide! We played, fed bottles, the put the kids down to nap at one. We went down to the cafeteria, which you have to go outside to get to, to eat our lunch. We had brought sandwiches from the hotel, so we had those, and it was almost time to go back to the kids already. Cathy and Evan went on a quick walk, and I went to Raul. He was cranky today, but I stayed with him for about an hour. I kept trying to get him to sleep because I could tell he was tired, but he didn't want to. Then I told him I was going up to visit the other kids for a few minutes, and when I opened the door to leave he started SCREAMING. I felt awful, but I wanted to see the other kids at least for a few minutes. I stayed upstairs for about 15 minutes, then Cathy and I went back down, and Raul had fallen asleep :)
Back upstairs for more playing and dancing! The older boys were so excited to play with our toys, and they were responsible, so we let them take them to their room and bring them back as they wanted. They were very sweet, probably 10-12, and kept talking to us in Romanian even when we explained that we didn't understand.
When we were kissing all the babies at the end one of the boys, Ionut, asked if we were leaving, and we said yes, then he asked if we would be back tomorrow, and when we said yes he was very excited! Then as we walked down the hall, all of a sudden he latched on to me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, then proceeded to do the same to Mihaela, Evan, and Cathy. I am glad we are able to provide some love and entertainment for the other children there without parents too!
Our children have been receiving lots of tests, as they are having a head to toe evaluation. Tomorrow Nicoleta and Ana Maria are going to Iasi for the day for genetic and chromosomal testing. Then the next day Cleo is going to a neurosurgeon in Iasi for the day. They are looking for some specific things with the little ones, so we will see how the tests come back! Since we will have fewer kids tomorrow, we have gotten permission to visit the CPS special needs center after lunch, to see four of our other sweet babies!
On a separate note, it SNOWED mid-morning today! Only for a couple minutes, but it was wild!
We were happily surprised when we arrived to find that Cristi was already up pracicing walking with an aide! We played, fed bottles, the put the kids down to nap at one. We went down to the cafeteria, which you have to go outside to get to, to eat our lunch. We had brought sandwiches from the hotel, so we had those, and it was almost time to go back to the kids already. Cathy and Evan went on a quick walk, and I went to Raul. He was cranky today, but I stayed with him for about an hour. I kept trying to get him to sleep because I could tell he was tired, but he didn't want to. Then I told him I was going up to visit the other kids for a few minutes, and when I opened the door to leave he started SCREAMING. I felt awful, but I wanted to see the other kids at least for a few minutes. I stayed upstairs for about 15 minutes, then Cathy and I went back down, and Raul had fallen asleep :)
Back upstairs for more playing and dancing! The older boys were so excited to play with our toys, and they were responsible, so we let them take them to their room and bring them back as they wanted. They were very sweet, probably 10-12, and kept talking to us in Romanian even when we explained that we didn't understand.
When we were kissing all the babies at the end one of the boys, Ionut, asked if we were leaving, and we said yes, then he asked if we would be back tomorrow, and when we said yes he was very excited! Then as we walked down the hall, all of a sudden he latched on to me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, then proceeded to do the same to Mihaela, Evan, and Cathy. I am glad we are able to provide some love and entertainment for the other children there without parents too!
Our children have been receiving lots of tests, as they are having a head to toe evaluation. Tomorrow Nicoleta and Ana Maria are going to Iasi for the day for genetic and chromosomal testing. Then the next day Cleo is going to a neurosurgeon in Iasi for the day. They are looking for some specific things with the little ones, so we will see how the tests come back! Since we will have fewer kids tomorrow, we have gotten permission to visit the CPS special needs center after lunch, to see four of our other sweet babies!
On a separate note, it SNOWED mid-morning today! Only for a couple minutes, but it was wild!
Cristi took a long nap but still tried to hide from pictures in his sleep
Paula is especially happy at the hospital!
Dancing to the radio
Cleo (she is on antibiotics for a bad cough)
Ana Maria (a little monkey as always!)
The hospital

I am so glad to hear the good news, and the less good news (like Raulie screaming) is probably related to the move and related confusion, don't you suppose? So cute to hear the big boys gave you all hugs and kisses, and also that you will be able to visit my other babies! :-)
I am so glad to hear that things seem to be working out at the hospital.
This is Charlie, Cathy's husband. Thanks so much for maintaining this blog. It has been a great way for me to keep up on the details of this confusing period. Thanks so much!
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