Despite how much the staff may care about him and want to help, the tests and treatments that he needs are not available to him in Romania, and that is why we began pursuing an international medical visa almost one year ago. It took an entire year to get everything straightened out with both the Romanian and American hospitals, and to help his parents to understand his condition and what is available to him abroad. We thought we had everything figured out, but after two ten hour round-trip visits to Bucharest this week, Raul has been denied a medical visa. The reasons they gave being, 1: they did not believe we would bring him back despite signed legal documents, and 2: the parents do not qualify for visas to the U.S., and somehow that means Raul does not either even though they will not be traveling with him.
We were advised to try to get him humanitarian parole, and are also getting U.S. senators involved. Please spread the word about Raul's story, as we need all the help we can get to get Raul what he needs. Raul's story and his chance for international medical care was made public in Romanian media before the visa was denied, and for them to have to do a retraction will not look good for the U.S.! The one thing that reassures me is that he has Coca (an aide from Tutova, who is now helping in Barlad) to love him and take care of him until we can bring him here.
I cut and pasted this to an E-mail to my friend in the State Dept (can't say who in public as want no problems) Perhaps it will help
I understand the trip is put off now due to American red tape - is that true?
Caroline, you're a wonderful person. I admire your loving heart, and wish you the best.
Mary Beth
When I left Barlad in early May, it was with fingers crossed and hope that Raul would get the visa. I am so sorry to hear the opposite.
What a disappointment for you! Best wishes in your further efforts to help Raul. And all the other children you give your heart to.
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