Friday, February 27, 2009

Travel Day

I will be flying out tonight at 8:30, stopping over in London, and then getting to Bucharest Saturday a little before 3:00 PM, then it's a five hour ride to Tutova. I was finally able to fit my stuff, and all the donations, into a manageable amount of bags, which was a relief. We will be taking the train from Bucharest to Barlad this time (then cars to Tutova), so it was important that I not have lots of big bags. I ended up packing in my frame pack and a large tote bag because I figured it would be easier to carry the bulk of the weight on my back on the train. Next time I update this I will be in Tutova! La revedere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetheart!
Hope you had a relatively easy travel day, and that you managed to get onto the train with all of your stuff. I have been monitoring your progress on the British Airways website.
Talk to you soon,