Friday, May 6, 2011

Ion and Alina

Two sweet little monsters. These two rule the hallways of floor three. Ion is almost always eating, and is delighted at the site of any food. He also likes riding in the stroller down the hall, and climbing every possible surface. There is nowhere Ion can be contained, which has proved to be a problem. Alina can only be contained in the cribs from Tutova, she can get out of the other cribs, the playpen, and everything else. She is talking a lot more now, and greets other patients as she struts down the halls. She now has a fan club of teenage patients who had her dancing to MTV with them today.

Watching TV (finally calm)

My mom with Alina

The aides dressed the kids up this morning

Ion loved these sunglasses

AND the panda purse (yes that is cookie in his mouth)

Alina with her tutu and purse


Evan said...

I can't do downward dog or child's pose anymore without thinking about Alina imitating Cathy!

Daddy said...

Great pictures of mommy and Alina and Ionnie! Has Alina gotten taller? :-)

Redeeming Hidden Treasures said...

I love seeing her all dressed up!