Monday, March 17, 2008

A Good Start To The Week

The kids were in much better moods this morning than they were at the end of last week. We had bought books in Iasi over the weekend and the kids were really excited to have something new to play with. We gave Alexandra the book that seemed the most for older kids and she was excited. She seems to know that she is a lot older than the other kids and gets depressed by all the baby toys so we tried to give her more age appropriate things. Stephan spent most of the morning being a rascal and stealing toys from the other kids. He seems to think that all the toys are his, and most kids let him take the toys so he usually gets his way. Sammy always seems to get picked on by the others. He doesn't usually react, but sometimes he'll take back what he was playing with. Alexandru babbles up a storm and giggles with the others. We think that when he and Stefan get into the toddler room they will both be little rascals together. Michaela and Adrian are both still on the verge of walking, but don't like to try it without holding our hands. Maiastra spent the most time in the mobile room that we have seen yet before going into the walker in the hall. She particularly liked sitting on the vibrating baby seat and riding on my mom's back. Florin is still teething and very fussy, but cute nonetheless. He likes it if you tickle his tummy with your face or if you let him look out the window.

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