Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a day of parents and matching outfits

When we arrived this morning there were two sets of our boys in matching outfits: Daniel + Florin, and Adrian + Alexandru. All the mobiles had already had their bottles, so we sent them outside and I dealt with Ioana who had thrown up all in her crib and rolled in it. I took her out of her gross clothes and left them in her bed then wiped her down and put her in a new outfit (meanwhile she threw up a couple more times; she has reflux). Then we went outside to join everyone else. After a while of playing a nurse rushed out and picked up Florin and started carting him away saying "mama, tata" to him. We went inside to investigate and Florin's parents had followed through and came to pick him up. His parents, Dad especially, seemed happy to see him. Florin was one of our favorites so it was sad to see him go, but at least he was going back to his family. Then a nurse came over and pointed to Alexandru and said "mama, and tata" so we all thought he was leaving too. But then when I went over to him he reached up to me and she handed him to ME saying "mama", so we were confused, including him. He had heard her and so he went around saying "mama, mama, mama" and had a lot more tantrums than usual. His one at nap time was so bad that they had to sedate him so we would stop banging his head. We decided that the nurse probably meant that we could take him home and be his parents : )
Alexandra also had a visit from her family today. Her parents and siblings came and played with her and listened to music on a radio. She seemed happy enough, I think she sort of remembers them at least because they visit about once a month.

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