Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Days 8-11 Highlights

Sunday: The weather was amazing: sunny and almost 70 degrees. Michelle, Jane, and Kristen went into Barlad to walk around and see an art show by some of Mihaela's students. Nancy took a walk around Tutova, and Laura and I went over to the clinic in the morning. We took all the infants out on a blanket in the sun for a while, then brought them back in and played with the mobiles. In the afternoon I went back over to the clinic with Michelle, Nancy, and Kristen.

Monday: Alina and Alex were back from the hospital by snack time! Alina seemed really out of it at first, but quickly warmed up. Alex was distraught about being put in an isolation crib, and had a major tantrum including biting and hitting. But luckily, once we got permission to bring her to the preschool room and I gave her a magazine she calmed down.

Tuesday: Celine's mom and grandmother visited for a long time in the afternoon. They came with all sorts of snacks, and took tons of pictures of her. They were definitely happy to see her! In the evening we went into Barlad for shopping and dinner. I bought some more supplies and toys for Raul. We ate dinner at the Alona, then came back to the hotel.

Wednesday: Petre's mom and dad visited mid-day, but were only there for a short time. He was upset when they left and he got put back in his crib, but I think mostly he was confused. In the afternoon the doctor came to see the children so we had to get them all back in bed for him to go around to. I was with Raul when the doctor got to him, and Raul was NOT pleased to be poked and prodded. After the doctor left I got him to fall asleep on my lap for over an hour on his new super soft pillow.

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