Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week Three Update

This week I have been working in the non mobile room taking care of mainly Gabriela, Petre, Andreea, Roxana, Roxana, Daria, and for some of the time: Paula, Alexandra, Ionut, Alina, and Raul. My regular group of kids ranges in age from 5 months to 2 years, but the others I work with range in age from 4 months to 7 years. In the morning I am usually alone with the non-mobiles (with some help from Kristen, Jane or the aides occasionally), and in the afternoon we mix it up more since some children are in pre-school. My main group of children often take morning naps, and during that time I go visit the isolated non-mobiles (Alina, Ionut, and Raul), or the mobiles.

There is another isolation room with Denisa, Celine, Sammy, Ion, and Marius, but they are harder to visit as they all scream if you don't hold them specifically, and especially when you leave. Today they told us that the isolated children should be cleared by the doctor tomorrow morning to go back to the playrooms! Mihaela left Tuesday for "testing/evaluations" at Barlad Children's Hospital; hopefully she will be back soon! We saw Jelina, who used to be an aide, this morning for a quick visit at the clinic. She had surgery on her spleen earlier this year and will be retiring from work at the clinic. We have also learned that Sammy will be leaving in the next few weeks to go to the CPS facility where Ana-Maria and Maiastra were moved to. He will be able to attend a Down Syndrome day program, so hopefully that will help him adapt to his new life!

I have also been busy taking care of Raul. I have received lots of donations for him, which is great! I have been working with him on sitting and head control, and he is improving, however he doesn't really like to be upright. Today I brought over my laptop to play music for him, and he gave me lots of smiles. I also hugged him to my chest for the first time (usually I keep him pretty flat) and said 'mama', and he giggled : )

1 comment:

J Ruhl said...

I'm so glad to hear that Raul got to be snuggled today...and that he giggled.