Monday, April 6, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven

The start of my last week. Today was an amazing day! It was in the 70’s today, so we were able to take the kids outside. Sadly, Sammy had already left for the doctor when we got there this morning. He will be going with Cristi and Gabriela to Iasi for testing. We were told that the boys will be having some sort of genetic testing. In the morning we brought the kids out with jackets on, but later in the day they were fine with just their sleepers. I took Andreea, Marius, and Aina on a stroller ride in the morning. We were stopped by some patients/patient parents outside the pediatric building who were very curious about the kids. Later Mihaela brought a blanket outside so we could bring more of the babies out. After lunch we had all the non-mobiles on the blanket, and the aides had the mobiles walking and swinging. Mihaela is such a girly girl, and was scared of the dirty grass. Whenever we’d put her down in the grass, she would pull up her arms and legs and refuse to touch it. Alina loved being outside and being able to play with her shadow in the sun. Ema loves it most of all, and soaked up the rays. Maiastra spent most of the day in Mihaela’s parked car listening to music, she loved it in there. I wwent and sat with her after lunch, and we danced a little bit, but she is mostly happy just playing in the backseat. Unfortunately, Maria is back in the isolation room: she has convulsions and had to be put on oxygen over the weekend, but today she looked okay.

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