Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day #13 + #14

Unfortunately, I woke up at 2 a.m. on Friday (our last day in Tutova) with some sort of stomach bug/food poisoning. I was not able to go to the clinic that morning, but was able to summon the strength to walk over for an hour and a half after lunch to say goodbye. In the morning the new baby Alina had been sent back to Barlad to the hospital because she was still not eating well and her stomach was hard. Ionut's port wasn't working, so after searching for a place to put another, the nurses ended up putting one in his forehead. No big excitement in the afternoon, I couldn't too much active playing, but was able to cuddle a couple babies and say good bye to the children and the aides. That night Mihaela came to the hotel for dinner (we all had chicken fingers and fries haha).

Saturday morning we got up early for breakfast, but not as early as Tanya who had left at 6 a.m. for Brasov. Jane got up to see us off, and Gideon came to the train station with us as he was headed off for Iasi. We spent five lovely hours in the cramped hot train to Bucarest; complete with dirty looks from old ladies for our large bags. We finally got here, and took a taxi to our hotel (we got ripped off even with an official taxi AND a meter!). Since then we have been resting at the hotel and will go to bed early since we will be leaving for the airport at 5:15 a.m. tomorrow!

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