Friday, April 8, 2011

A Happy Ending!

We arrived this morning to find that they had in fact found a foster family for Andrada, and she would not have to go to the hospital. The foster parents seemed very nice. They live in Vaslui, and have two adult children. They were so happy to be getting a little one, and you could tell they already cared deeply about her. There were about 20 adults all in the entry way passing her around to say goodbye, and Andrada was very patient! We were glad to have a happy ending!

New mama

New tata

Pa, Andrada!


Tata said...

Bravo! So glad Andrada found nice parents! And so glad to hear some good news for a change!! I hope things will also be better than expected this afternoon when you go over to Barlad CH...



Winnie said...

Thanks to you all that stayed with the children to the last day
You are my heros