Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Days 24+25

Yesterday brought visits from both Daria and Celine's mothers. Daria had her last cleft surgery scheduled for the end of May, but they might try to move it up. Similarly, Celine's mom wanted to check to make sure that she will still be going to Bucharest next week for her evaluations. Jane brought a tunnel, and the kids have been having a great time crawling through it and rolling it around. The morning was short as the aides had a meeting at 12, so everything was done a bit early. I slept in the afternoon, as I hadn't slept well the night before. I had just been planning on taking a nap during lunch, and a bit longer, but then didn't wake up until almost 5! At 5:30 we went into Barlad for dinner at the Italian restaurant and shopping at the grocery store. We were able to buy snacks for ourselves, as well as supplies for the clinic.

Today the big kids got to go outside in the morning with Jane, Evan, Robin, and some of the aides. Mihaela had to leave at about 10 to attend to business in Barlad, but the day went quite smoothly. The babies alternated between calm and hysterical, but overall the non-mobiles had a good day. Raul was able to be out of isolation and in the playroom for our whole work day other than during his bandage change. It was great to see him watch the other children, and even be able to interact with them. At the end of the day Jane, Evan, and I played with all the mobile children in the big playroom. They were wild, but Milica helped us control them. Milica let Celine and Andreea play with her cell phones, and we taught Celine to say "show me the money" into the phone. Then we came back to the hotel for a very humor filled dinner.


Daddy said...

I'm so happy to hear that Raulie had some platoon time!! And glad you woke up in time for dinner at the yummy Italian restaurant!



Mommy said...

And, I am glad to hear that the team's sense of humor is still intact despite all of the stresses and sadness.
I love you!

Caroline said...

The twins are in the big playroom with Marius, Gabriela, and sometimes Alina and Daria.