Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Night at the Clinic

We went over to the clinic tonight with a volunteer from the last team who stayed one extra night, and it was wild! The kids have all grown so much in the last year! I can no longer tell the twins apart, I'll have to figure that one out. I first went into the room where Alina was, and she immediately pointed at me and said "mama", amazing! And got all giggly when I picked her up. My dad and I played with her for a while, and simultaneously with the others in that room (Cristi, twins, and Daria). Alina knows SO many more words now than she used to, and will imitate anything you want her to say. Her version of "Caroline" was quite interesting haha. At one point Celine, Andreea, and Petre lined up sitting in front of her, and she went down the line giving them kisses on the lips, which they loved! Celine kept asking for more kisses!

Then we went to the baby room that had Ionut (I picked him up and he was feverish as always, but did his adorable laugh when I tickled him), Ana-Maria, Maria Alexandra, Maria Cleopatra, and Nicoletta. Nicoletta was sleeping, and Ana-Maria was close to asleep. Maria Alexandra was just having her own little party, which apparently a hysterical party by how she was giggling. And Maria Cleopatra was sweet as always, though they shaved her head yesterday for some reason (not lice or sores). Then we went and visited with Raul, and I put him in his playpen to play for a while. We got a couple smiles out of him, but he was pretty serious. He is also amazingly smart! He knew how to work the toy that you push down the top and the balls roll around inside, and he was strong enough to balance on one hand and push it down with the other!

Then on to the big kids, and boy were they wild! Paula, Gabriela, Alexandra, and Marius stayed in heir cribs after diaper time, but the others were in the playroom (plus we brought Alina in). Petre has changed so much since a year ago, but he is still handsome and sweet (though he sometimes follows Ion's bad example). Celine is incredibly verbal, and amazed us with all her talking. Andreea is also talking more, and still a little sweetie. And Ion, oh Ion! He is a nightmare I'm sad to say! He used to bang his own head, but now he attacks the other children. He was pushing them so hard it knocked them to the floor, and pulling them up to standing by their hair! He does it for attention, but there is no way not to give him atten tion for what he is doing because we have to get him off the other kids. Heather told us he behaves a bit better when the aides are around, and I am hoping that remains true!

The nurse and aide remembered me and knew my name, which was sweet. It was Corina and the head nurse Mihaela, both who speak some English. Nurse Mihaela told me that Raul likes to sing to his radio :) I didn't bring over my camera, so I will start getting pictures tomorrow!


Pat's Romanian Journal said...

I really miss them!

Evan said...

I'm even excited hearing who is in what room now! Dear Ion, he just needs lots of attention. It is not surprising to see this kind of behavior given the circumstances.

So glad you are there...

Mommy said...

HI Caroline,
I am so excited to hear that Alina is "talking". I can't wait to hear her. Looking forward toseeing some pictures soon!
I miss you,

Cindy said...

How many kids are at the clinic these days?

Caroline said...

Cindy, I think 19