Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 25

This morning when we got to the clinic, Celine had already left for Iasi, but they hope she will be back within a few days. I changed a couple wet diapers, Ema still has bad diaper rash, then it was bottle time, After bottles the babies were really sleepy, and a couple took naps right away. The aides decided it was time for nose vacuuming, and we tried to hide our babies and camouflage them to the floor and bouncers, but all except two got taken to be vacuumed out. Cristi was very upset after this, but Jo An got him to fall asleep by rocking him on her legs. Even Ema took a nap in the playroom this morning! I put a cute furry jacket with bear ears on Andreea, and she quickly fell asleep. After waking up, Cristi enjoyed lying under the bouncy seat while Paula bounced, he just thought it was hilarious. We fed orange puree to the few babies that were awake. I went into the isolation room for a while, then brought Maria out with me to sit on the bench in the hallway. They’ve never actually said we could take her out, but I figured I would give it a try, and they didn’t seem to mind. Then I fed her a bottle, and we headed back to the hotel for lunch. After lunch the pediatrician was at the clinic. He checked on all the babies, and Cristi got some medicine for a fever. Marius seems a bit sick too, he was very sleepy all afternoon. I held Ema for a while, changed a bunch of diapers, then decided to change some of the kids clothes. I put the furry jacket from the morning on Alina, leggings and a long sleeve shirt on little Andreea, and sweatpants with a collared shirt on Cristi. Cristi seemed so happy to be wearing “big boy clothes” but it was already almost four, so when the aides changed diapers they put him back in a pink sleeper. Alina and Mihaela got changed back into sleepers as well, but somehow Andreea managed to keep on her mis-matched striped leggings and shirt.

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