Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day Thirty-One

This morning we were greeted by lots of happy, but hungry faces. When the bottles came, the kids ate fast. Alex wanted me to walk with her in the hallway, so I did for a while, then put her in a walker. I changed a couple poopy diapers, then changed some outfits that had gotten lots of food on them. Yogurt came early much to Marius’s delight. It was amazing, Maiastra came in while we were feeding the babies and came right over and sat down and opened her mouth for food. Usually it is an adventure to feed her, but this time she initiated it herself, and actually ate a bunch of yogurt (while not using it as finger paint). A couple of the babies took naps, so I brought Maria in for a visit. They actually let me just lay her down on the floor with the others today, which was nice. Pusa’s parents were back today. They came to take her home, and somehow now have all the right paperwork. They didn’t interact with her much, she mostly stayed in the playroom, but they were very persistent about getting her home.

When we got back after lunch her parents were still there, but all the aides were huddled around the changing table getting Pusa ready to go home. She looked like she was going out to play in the arctic or something, but seemed happy enough. Her parents seemed happy to get out of there, and we hope that things will go well for Pusa, but we are a bit skeptical. I brought Maria into the playroom for the afternoon, and she lay on the floor “reading” a book. The babies were a bit fussier, but were happy with their bottles. Marius got moved into the isolation room for a while because he is sick with a high fever. They put a port in his arm so that he can have an IV for the next 3-5 days. He will be getting antibiotics, and we aren’t sure what else. Sammy was impressive with his walking today, and seems to have taken Pusa’s spots in the pre-school schedule. We’ll miss you Pusa, good luck!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hi Caroline, I was surprised to read that Pusa was leaving with both her mother and her father. She came to the clinic when I was there and the story was that her parents were divorced/divorcing and that the mother had taken the son and the father kept Pusa. He was unable to care for her when he brought her to the clinic. If her parents have decided to reconcile that is good I suppose. I wish Pusa well too. I hope that little Marius gets better soon. 103 temp is tough for a little one.
