Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day Fourteen

Today we all got up a little before 7 am to have breakfast with Cindy and Cathy before they left. Then it was off to the train for them, and back to bed for us. I slept and watched movies all morning. The power went out five times, I think at least one of those might have been my fault for trying to use my hot pot. I ended up getting hot water from the restaurant so I could make my Ramen for lunch. I considered going to the clinic, but I have a really bad cold, so I decided it was a better idea to just rest. I watched a bunch of movies, ate lots of snacks, and read my book. I went over to the restaurant for dinner and ordered the garlic chicken stew recommended in the “Volunteer Tips Journal”. It was surprisingly good. I wrote in a couple of the babies journals while I was at dinner since I probably won’t have time to do them all this week before the new team comes. After dinner I emailed some of the people who’d put their email addresses in the babies’ journals with updates and pictures. I went to bed pretty early, it’s nice to be able to get lots of rest over the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with the electricity in the "new" hotel? A hot pot uses away less energy than a blow dryer, so it shouldn't cause the electricity to short out. Sounds like they have a serious problem with their electrical system. I'm glad your computer works or we would really miss your blog.