Monday, March 16, 2009

Day Sixteen

We both spent most of the weekend in our rooms since we have bad colds, and were still feeling pretty sick this morning. We walked over to the clinic in the drizzly weather and met Dan. He told us that Mihaela had a bad cold too. At the clinic we both went in the non-mobile room for the morning since it's less strenuous, and a couple aides took the mobiles. We fed them their milk bottles first, and we wore masks to make sure we didn't get them sick. The morning went by pretty fast, but the kids were very sleepy and a little cranky because they didn't get their morning snack (the spoon fed meal). We had the non-mobiles, plus Alexandra and Mihaela. Mihaela reminds me a bit of Alexandru at that age; her laugh and the way she bounces backwards on the bouncy seats. I had brought over a People magazine and a US Weekly for Alex to look through, and she was VERY happy. She was literally shaking with happiness. She looked through most of it, and found a couple favorite pages. Whenever any of the other babies came over to try to look at it she would push them away. After feeding the soup bottles to the babies we put them in bed for a nap and walked back over to the hotel for lunch. Over lunch we decided that we needed to rest for the afternoon (instead of going back to the clinic) and I took a two hour nap. We will be having dinner at the usual time, and we even get to order off the menu for this week!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for ordering off the menu!
That is a big plus. I see lots of chicken ans fries in your future.

Caroline said...

yup! those are two words i know in Romanian, although luckily most of this menu has English translations as well. you never know, i might opt for the pan fried brains...