Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day Seventeen (3/17)

This morning was rainy and gross again. We walked over to the clinic around nine and met Dan. We told him that we would like to visit Dr. Delia later, and he talked to her and set something up for when we would be on the way back to the hotel after lunch. We both spent most of the morning in the non-mobile room. The babies were all really tired, and everyone except Alina and Ema took at least one extra morning nap (even Mihaela!). Ema and Cristi liked the orange/banana puree the best, most of the others would have nothing to do with it. The aides changed diapers and vacuumed noses (much to the dismay of the babies), and then it was time for more bottles. Cristi was having a hard morning, and was crying for a long time after his nose vacuuming. We put the kids back to bed and headed over to the doctor's office. She saw each of us, and we both got antibiotics for assorted ailments (unfortunately I just realized I can't take mine because it's in the same family as penicillin, which I am allergic too). She was worried about my heart rate, which was high, so all afternoon I got the pleasure of having Dan check it with a portable pulse thing about every half hour. It was always above 100, but it went down from the 145 it was earlier (she gave me some heartrate medicine). We went to the hotel for lunch, then to the pharmacy for our medicines. When we headed back to the clinic, we were meeted by two aides, as well as Maiastra, Alexandra, and Anna at the gate. It had become too cold for them to be outside, so we walked them back to the building. Maiastra was very cute, and looked like any normal kid out for an adventure, she walked most of the way back holding one fo Dan's hands and one of my hands. David went with the mobiles for most of the afternoon, and I had the non-mobiles. They were easy other than bottle time, since only two can hold their own bottles. Everyone took turns in the walker and jumperoo to practice standing/sitting, and Cristi and I visited with Anna-Maria for a while. Now we are resting at the hotel until dinner.


Anonymous said...

At least you avoided the dreaded Tutova IV antibiotic treatment.

Cindy said...

Maybe you should have opted for the IV? Heeee! Sounds like the children have pawned off their colds on you. I am sure you could ask for your own nose vacumming session. You're doing a great job--keep up the good work because the children love having you there.