Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 26 (Complete With A Visit To Malika's)

In my earlier entry I forgot a big event from the morning: Gabriela and Mihaela’s parents visited! They got there right before naptime, so they were only there for like ten minutes, but they played with the kids and seemed happy. They said that they would be back later, but we aren’t exactly sure what that meant. In the afternoon we played inside since there wasn’t enough time for an outside adventure. I managed to steal Celine form her crib and bring her into the playroom, which she seemed to enjoy. We heard that she will have to get another cast soon, she wasn’t quite ready for the brace. We though Marius was sick, but he was just teething luckily. Little Andreea had a big spit up incident, but she was very happy to get a new outfit, especially since that meant a moment of freedom from clothes. My day ended with a long conversation with Alina (babbling clearly) who seemed rather upset after spitting up (something she doesn’t normally do), so we are hoping she doesn’t get sick as well.

Leaving the clinic for the day was really just the start of our adventures. Malika (the preschool teacher) had invited us earlier in the week to visit her mother’s house in the village. We left with her and walked about ten minutes into the village to her house. We were greeted by her very energetic little dog, as well as her very welcoming mother. She gave us a tour of the house, then we sat down for snacks and drinks. There was a little miscommunication when the group thought she was pouring water and telling us it was safe to drink, but really she was pouring shots. She is just the happiest and most welcoming person ever, and her mother was great. We also had great conversation, with the help of a dictionary. We found out that the wine and liquor was homemade from grapes in their own yard. By the time we left she was inviting the three weekers back for another visit and there were even offers of massages (she took a class in baby massage that we saw her using on Andreea today). She even picked flowers out of her mom’s garden to give each of us. Then we had about –5 minutes to get ready for dinner, so we were all running around and getting ready to meet our bus to go into Barlad. We went to the travel agent to pay for our weekend trip, then to a nice dinner at the Premiere. We also bought flowers to give Malika since we had not been able to the night before.


Anonymous said...

Mihaela and Gabriela's parents visited when I was there too. I wonder if the girls will get to go home to them someday.
Sally Norton

Evan said...

What is going on with Maria? I saw she was going to have surgery. We were told she had a heart condition when we were there in Jan.

Enjoy your pix and posts so much. Thanks!

Caroline said...

We aren't sure exactly what her condition. She was not doing well when we got there, and she left our second day for Barlad hospital. Then she went with Marius to another city to a cardiologist, and was supposed to have surgery on Monday, but now has a cold so they are waiting.